Monday 24 December 2012

Vinegar and Brown Paper

Our house is a mess, there is washing to be done, nutloaf to be made, presents to be bought, seams to be sewn, Casper found the black food dye and keeps trying to put the lens cap *back* on the camera. It's Christmas Eve and this is our last year before Casper really knows what's up. We are playing it down at home because of course he will be spoiled rotten tomorrow and the week afterwards visiting our families and friends at the coast with the most.

I don't know whether I will be back tomorrow or the next day or the next, but I have been planning some tutorials and giveaways (from my shop) and exciting things for next year, so have a restful holiday and see you on the other side!


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your gorgeous family Ruby! I'm liking the new look :)

    Sophie xo

  2. That first shot is priceless. Hoping the lid was still on the black food colouring! Looking forward to seeing your 52 weeks of sketches and photography. mel x

  3. i hope you and your family are having a wonderful holidays! happy new year! :D

    <3, Mimi
