Saturday, 24 February 2007

oh muffin!

All I have to offer today is one little muffin. I made exactly fourteen of these little gems this afternoon.

Sometimes, the only thing that will comfort me is baking, and today was just cool enough to pretend that it was Autumn. We haven't had affordable bananas in Melbourne for about a year, because of Cyclone Larry!!!

So Really I Hadn't Made Banana Muffins In Ages!

Until today, when I felt like it was wartime and I was a broad-shouldered soldier's sweetheart! If only more things in life were harder to come across, then maybe we all would appreciate them more. Perhaps I should just pretend that I have rations on most days, so that everything is amazing.

"Necessity is the mother of invention."

I have a plum pip in my mouth and my mind is saying "aren't there lots of lovely nutrients in there?" My Molly senses say YES.
Ah! I have lots of homework, but I don't want to do any of it! I just hate when I am in these lazy lazy moods. Well I will do it... soon.

Goodnight and Goodluck
x Ruby x


  1. plum pips are good
    mum pips are good
    pips are good
    your blog is nice.

  2. Ruby, you are the most fantastic person I know.
    "Until today, when I felt like it was wartime and I was a broad-shouldered soldier's sweetheart!"
    I do this all of the time, when I'm making 'war' soup or 'war' boiled cabbage and eat it out of my pop's old airforce bowls.
    "If only more things in life were harder to come across, then maybe we all would appreciate them more. Perhaps I should just pretend that I have rations on most days, so that everything is amazing."
    I am always pretending and in the 'Sophie Scholl- The Final Days' film she was scraping jam out of a jar to coat her toast and asked her brother, Hans, "Does mum have any more jam or are we out of rations?" or something very similar to that.
