Here are the dresses I was talking about in my last post- aren't they gorgeous?
The model is my flatmate, Mia who is also Australian, the camera loves her, I know!
They are up for sale in my brand new Etsy shop! i'm still working out how to use it, so if anyone has any tips for me, I'm all ears. I really need some computer counseling. It's a traumatic experience for me to even send an email, let alone set up shop online!§ion_id=&page=1

Today I went to Drawing class and we painted with brushes taped onto bamboo rods, and there was a life model who danced really slowly to Bjork and we had to develop our understanding of contours. I really really really love art school. More than anything.
I want to shout out to Zoe and Molly and Laura and Andrew- I know you guys read my blog, thank you! I hope you are having a nice Melbourne spring! And everyone else in Melbourne who is reading, hit me up.