Sunday, 3 August 2008

Bye-Bye Baby!

Tomorrow I am getting on plane and then I will get on another plane and then I will get on another plane and then I should be in New York.
So, good-bye to Melbourne for now and not f'rever.

I was photographed for a fashion blog The Windsor End dot blogspot dot com (I forgot linking again) about a week ago, and here is the picture!


He said "Now I just want you to be like really anime. Yeah, like just point your toes in and grin."

I promised pictures of the beach, but they're never coming because I don't know where they are.

The next time I blog will be in the GREAT NORTH.

And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell.


Gossip Girl


  1. Hey "Gossip Girl"

    Have a supercalafragalisticexpialidocious time in the GREAT NORTH!!!
    Love you babe!!!

    Kepp your nose clean!!!

    I think you should check my blog!!!

    Mermaid sisters forever (f'ever)

    love Syke

  2. Great picture and you sound like you're having a wonderful time!

  3. That is a gorgeous photo of you. Travel well and don't forget to sing along the way.

  4. bon voyage! don't forget to visit seattle.

    x Amelia

  5. how sweet! love the picture you look adorable :)

  6. hey anime-animal... hope your pointing yr toes and grinning at some airport fashion blog somewhere between here and MT, CNDA

    And donchu love our "jonathan richman"esque airoplane posus?


  7. Both the pictures are so cute! I love your hair! :)
