Friday, 29 August 2008

It's Early...

I woke up this morning at 6:00 so that I could go to a student protest rally, and when I got there the street was cold and empty! Okay, so I only walked about two minutes away from my house, but it's the principal, really. Also I got all fired up to do some protesting-type shouting (my voice can get really loud, really) and then I had to walk back home, and quietly read. I am reading "Le Grande Meaulnes" by Alain-Fournier, it's amazing and so magnificent!

In Montreal, there are lots of strange sort of dollar-shops, which are usually in really crumbly buildings that have birds perched on rooftops. This one is down Rue Guy, which is in between my house and my school. Isn't it marvelous?

The other day, my other Australian housemate, Cori and I went to La Salle, which is sort of an outer suburb in the sud-ouest.
It was a weird place, lots of old churches and doughnut shops. There were also these crazy big spiders that were sort of bulbous and shiny. I took some pictures, but none at close range unfortunately.

Today I am going to school to do all of the boring paperwork and stuff that needs to be done before Labour Day, which is on Monday. Tonight I think I am going to the opening of a Depanneur, which is like a Milk Bar in Mile End. There's gonna be a vegan barbecue!

Also i found a weird rice pudding shop that only sells rice pudding in strange flavours. I'm not even sure that it exists! Yesterday I had a little bit of passionfruit pudding, but maybe it was all a dream.


  1. Thanks for posting your comment on my blog (: I like your blog too(: I looked through some of your older posts and i feel that your style is great!

  2. great pictures :)

  3. some great photos. Montreal is a fabulously fun city, I love visiting there. Are you going to university there?

  4. Hi there-your pictures are lovely and the rice pudding shop sounds very interesting-I love rice pudding, haha!!

  5. Hello again! I really like your blog as you might already know.

    Would to care to exchange links?
