I caught the train from Penn Station exactly two weeks ago. This was the only picture I was able to take, a farmhouse in upstate New York. The train ride was a rambly shuffle through mountains and lakes, with crusty castles and little sunbleached riverboats.
We rode past moss-covered trailer parks and dense green forest into Quebec.
I was pulled off the train at the Canadian border, to get my study permit. I filed into a mini van with people who were being denied entry into the country for a lot of reasons. When they found out that I wasn't actually being detained, they all stopped talking to me and looked out the window silently at the rolling Quebec countryside.
We drove to a big Customs office and I waited for what seemed like hours. I bought a packet of m&ms and ate them very slowly, one by one in colour order, so the time could be marked in some way. My i-pod ran out.
The I got my permit and was put on a bus to Montreal.
The bus stopped in the middle of the city and everyone got out into the adolescent rainstorm. I hailed a cab and drove to my new apartment where I slept and slept and slept.
loverly house, this is how i'd really like to imagine the northern reaches of america..bet canadas nicer though.